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Kehati ingame mod aplication.

2 posters

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1Kehati ingame mod aplication. Empty Kehati ingame mod aplication. Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:20 am



How long you have been playing:
i have been playing for about a week and 2 days

Why you deserve to be a part of the staff:
i think i deserver to be apart of staff because i have helped alot
of people out on the server and will do my best to keep it up in
the future.

Do and will you respect all rules and fellow people + staff members:
i will respect anyone who attempts to even join the server everyone
has my respect and i have respected those who have also respected

100% Respect everyone staff or not 100%:
ever since i have played i have respected all member of staff and
non staff it doesnt matter what place you are on the server you
will always be respected by me.

What is your time zone?
sorry i don't know my time zone but i live in the uk "england" if
anyone knows the time zone to there.

When are you usually on?
you are garanteed to see me on everyday for a minimum of 3 hours
split up like ill be on for an hour go for like 10 mins and then
be back on.

Some people act like they are a experienced staff member but really arn't. Have you ever been staff on a server? If so whitch ones. If not, why?
i have been staff on many servers admin on 3 mod on 2
i do have experience but those servers are down now.
servers were:
and i had my own server and i do know what its like poeple asking for mod and stuff or they crash server it does take the monkeys.. YOU WONT REGRET MAKING ME MOD!!

.:~kehati~:. thanks to all the people who have read this

p.s. sorry it is so long i have a habbit of writing long and a
habbit of spelling everything correctly.

Last edited by Kehati on Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:10 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : i forgot to put my username in.)

2Kehati ingame mod aplication. Empty Re: Kehati ingame mod aplication. Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:54 am



"Some people act like they are a experienced staff member but really arn't. Have you ever been staff on a server? If so whitch ones. If not, why?" basically means, have you got any experience being part of the staff for any game or forum.

3Kehati ingame mod aplication. Empty Re: Kehati ingame mod aplication. Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:05 pm


ok thank you for helping me out will edit it now..

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