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ingame mod

3 posters

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1ingame mod Empty ingame mod Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:20 pm



How long you have been playing:
about 1week ago :p

Why you deserve to be a part of the staff:
euhm i am verry active and i know alot of server

Do and will you respect all rules and fellow people + staff members:
i always did that

100% Respect everyone staff or not 100%:
95% only mat is not vry respected by me

What is your time zone?
GMT+1 same as archi

When are you usually on?
whole day long :p with breaks

Some people act like they are a experienced staff member but really arn't. Have you ever been staff on a server? If so whitch ones. If not, why?
i had my own server (deleted)
i was mod on runefusion (enkrona (they stoped))
i'm hidden admin on bad company

Last edited by tasha on Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:21 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot to answer on a question)

2ingame mod Empty Re: ingame mod Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:29 pm



nice hope you'll get
you are a good player and will be a better mod...
if they choose you they will choose obama...

democrates rule....

and my dad duck too...

go tasha!!!!!

skillerslife nigga's
peace out!!

3ingame mod Empty Re: ingame mod Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:21 am



They already chose Obama, and why would you try and act gangster?

I like the application since it's different, u put 95% instead of 100% and u don't have a massive list of servers u have been a mod on. The only reason skiller is supporting u is because he likes you Surprised!!!!!

4ingame mod Empty Re: ingame mod Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:36 am



why shoud i need a masive list of servers played?
i play rs private for 2-3months
and i stay loyal at 1 server (and poker on facebook :p)

and prob skillers like em duh :p

5ingame mod Empty Re: ingame mod Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:32 am



never said u needed a bigger one ;o! and he doesn't just like ur application, if u get what i mean Laughing, u probably don't so i'm gonna say it Surprised!!!!!! he likes u cuz ur a chick? mm? yep? get it now? unless ur not really a chick and your a man.

6ingame mod Empty Re: ingame mod Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:47 pm



ow i understand :p
i just cause u typ rare :s

Last edited by tasha on Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:02 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : kversta het!)

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